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- Semua Data
Volcanic Eruption Incidence
Volcanic Eruption Incidence
Volcanic Eruption Incidence
Provinsi | Pct gunung_meletus |
Sumber Data
The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had experienced at least one incidence of volcanic eruptions during the past three years. However, differently than previous years, in the 2019 Podes, incidence of natural disasters were only asked for the last year. As such, incidence reported in 2019 might systematically differ relative to preceding years. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) natural disaster module from 1990-2019.
Volcanic Eruption Incidence
Satuan :
Interval : undefinedly -
Volcanic Eruption Incidence
Satuan :
Interval : Tahunan