Abuse Crime Incidence

The indicator reports the frequency of abuse crime per 10.000 population. The data are taken from the National Socionomic Survey (SUSENAS) data.

Access to Electricity

The figures reported in the tabulation indicate the weighted percentage of households in the area (district, province, or nation-wide) that possess access to electricity. We define those with access to electricity as being households who use electricity (PLN and non-PLN alike) as their main source of light. Data are taken from Susenas 1995-2019. Percentage figures are missing in 2005, as electricity access was not included in that year's survey instrument.

Access to Internet

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had access to 4G internet signals. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) data from 2018-2019.

Agricultural worker

Proportion of agricultural worker is based on Indonesia's classification of occupation (KBJI). The data are taken from labour force survey (Sakernas) from year 2013 to 2020 and are expressed in percentage form. The series taken from Sakernas is based on Classification of Occupation (KBJI) 2002.

Agriculture labor income relative to value added

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Agriculture value added relative to output

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Air Quality Index

The Air Quality Index (IKU) composed of 2 parameters, SO2 and NO2. It is being calculated by the ambiance measurement in 4 locations that represented industrial area, residential area, transportation hub, and office complexes using manual passive sampling method. The index also adopts European Union Directives standards.

Construction Labor Income Relative to Value Added

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Construction Value Added Relative to Output

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Drought Incidence

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had experienced at least one incidence of drought during the past three years. However, differently than previous years, in the 2019 Podes, incidence of natural disasters were only asked for the last year. As such, incidence in 2019 might systematically differ relative to preceding years. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) natural disaster module from 1990-2019.

Earthquake Incidence

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had experienced at least one incidence of earthquakes during the past three years. However, differently than previous years, in the 2019 Podes, incidence of natural disasters were only asked for the last year. As such, incidence in 2019 might systematically differ relative to preceding years. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) natural disaster module from 1990-2019.

Employment to Population Ratio

Employment rate is the employed population divided by the total population of 15 years old and older in district level, province level, and national level multiplied by 100%. The definition of employed population from 1993 until 2015 is the people who are employed in the last week for at least one hour continuously, or those who did not work in the last week despite already having a job or a business. Since 2016, the definition of employed population changed to people who are employed in the last week for at least one hour continuously, running a business, helping relatives business, or did not work the previous week despite having a job or business. These Data are collected from The National Labour Force Survey (Sakernas)1993-2020, except for 1995 where there was no survey in that particular year and 2016 where only province level is available.

Environmental Quality Index

Environmental Quality Index (IKLH) is an index that describes the overall condition of national and local environment management results. The index is composed of 3 indicators, namely Air Quality Index (IKU), Water Quality Index (IKA), and Land Coverage Index (IKTL).

The data was collected from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Female Employment to Population Ratio

The female employment rate is the employed of female population divided by the total of female population aged 15 years old and older at district level, province level, and national level multiplied by 100%. The definition of employed female population from 1993 until 2015 is the female population who are employed in the last week for at least one hour continuously, or those who did not work in the last week despite already having a job or a business. Since 2016, the definition of employed female population changed to female population who are employed in the last week for at least one hour continuously, running a business, helping relatives business, or did not work the previous week despite having a job or business. These Data are collected from The National Labour Force Survey (Sakernas)1993-2020, except for 1995 where there was no survey in that particular year and 2016 where only province level is available.

Female Labor Force Participation

The female labor force participation rate is the labor force of female population divided by the total of female population aged 15 years old and older at district level, province level, and national level multiplied by 100%. The definition of labor force has been unchanged since 1993 until 2020, where we define labor force as people who are either employed or unemployed. Some years may use different definitions of unemployed and employed. All definitions of employed, unemployed, and labor force are based on female gender. These distinct definitions are described below:

From 2016 until 2020, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it, or already established a new business but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or who running their business, or who helping relatives business, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 2001 until 2015, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 1996 until 2000, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged. In 1993 and 1994, the unemployed population are those who were unemployed but actively searching for work.

These data are collected from The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) module from 1993-2020, except for 1995 because there was no survey in that particular year, and 2016, because only province level is available

Female Unemployment Rate

The female unemployment rate is the number of unemployed female population divided by the number of female labor force at the district level, province level, and national level. Some years may use different definitions of unemployed and employed. All definitions of employed, unemployed, and labor force are based on female gender. These distinct definitions are described below:

From 2016 until 2020, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it, or already established a new business but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or who running their business, or who helping relatives business, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 2001 until 2015, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 1996 until 2000, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged. In 1993 and 1994, the unemployed population are those who were unemployed but actively searching for work.

The definition of Labor Force has been unchanged since 1993 until 2020, wherein we define labor force as people who are either employed or unemployed.

These data are collected from The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) module from 1993-2020, except for 1995 because there was no survey in that particular year, and 2016, because only province level is available

Finance Labor Income Relative to Value Added

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Finance Value Added Relative to Output

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Flash Floods Incidence

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had experienced at least one incidence of flash floods during the past three years. However, differently than previous years, in the 2019 Podes, incidence of natural disasters were only asked for the last year. As such, incidence reported in 2019 might systematically differ relative to preceding years. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) natural disaster module from 1990-2019.

Flooding Incidence

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had experienced at least one incidence of flooding during the past three years. However, differently than previous years, in the 2019 Podes, incidence of natural disasters were only asked for the last year. As such, incidence in 2019 might systematically differ relative to preceding years. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) natural disaster module from 1990-2019.

Forest Fire Incidence

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had experienced at least one incidence of forest fires during the past three years. However, differently than previous years, in the 2019 Podes, incidence of natural disasters were only asked for the last year. As such, incidence in 2019 might systematically differ relative to preceding years. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) natural disaster module from 1990-2019.

GDP Growth

Annual GDP growth data are calculated using the expenditure approach. National GDP growth data are collected from the Statistics Indonesia (BPS) website, spanning through 1979-2020. The GDP data employ 2010 fixed prices, and GDP values of older base years are rebased in reference to 2010. Province-level GDP growth are also calculated using the expenditure approach, and they also use 2010 fixed prices.

Quarterly GDP data uses the expenditure approach for national level and province level which are collected from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) website. Both of the data uses constant price and uses 2010 as the base year. Quarterly GDP growth (%YoY) are calculated by subtracting the latest year with the quarterly GDP in the previous year divided by GDP in the previous year then multiplied by 100% with the condition that the quarterly GDP in the latest year must be the same quarter as the quarterly GDP in the previous year.

Households with Packaged Water as Drinking Source

The indicator reports the weighted percentage of households within a boundary area that relies on packaged water for drinking purposes. The data are taken from the 2011-2019 National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas).

Households with Rainwater as Bathing Source

The indicator reports the weighted percentage of households within a boundary area that uses rainwater for bathing and/or washing. The data are taken from the 2011-2019 National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas).

Households with Rainwater as Drinking Source

The indicator reports the weighted percentage of households within a boundary area that uses rainwater for drinking purposes. The data are taken from the 2011-2019 National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas).

Individuals Access to Savings

The indicator reports the weighted percentage of adult individuals in Indonesia with savings account. The data are taken from the 2017-2019 National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas). The adult population is defined as population aged 17 and above, and the population data are also taken from the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas).

Inflation - Monthly

Monthly inflation (%MtM) data for national level and district level are calculated using Consumer Price Index (CPI) and collected from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) central and regional websites and publications from January 1979 until May 2021. For the province level, we selected some cities from the district-level data that can be represented as the province's annual inflation data.

Inflation - Yearly

Annual inflation data are calculated using Consumer Price Index (CPI) collected from the Statistics Indonesia's website, publications and publication from 1979 to 2021.

Labor Force Participation Rate

The labor force participation rate is the labor force divided by the total population aged 15 years old and older at district level, province level, and national level multiplied by 100%. The definition of labor force has been unchanged since 1993 until 2020, where we define labor force as people who are either employed or unemployed. Some years may use different definitions of unemployed and employed. These distinct definitions are described below:

From 2016 until 2020, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it, or already established a new business but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or who running their business, or who helping relatives business, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 2001 until 2015, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 1996 until 2000, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged. In 1993 and 1994, the unemployed population are those who were unemployed but actively searching for work.

These data are collected from The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) module from 1993-2020, except for 1995 because there was no survey in that particular year, and 2016, because only province level is available

Land Coverage Index

The Land Coverage Index (IKTL) measure the coverage of forests, groves, swamps, protective-functioned lands (steep slopes, rivers, lakes, and beachs border), green open spaces, and other wildlife sanctuary. The score of 50 is awarded to administrative territory with 30% coverage, while 100 is for areas with 84.3% coverage.

Landslide Incidence

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had experienced at least one incidence of landslides during the past three years. However, differently than previous years, in the 2019 Podes, incidence of natural disasters were only asked for the last year. As such, incidence in 2019 might systematically differ relative to preceding years. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) natural disaster module from 1990-2019.

Male Employment to Population Ratio

The male employment rate is the employed of male population divided by the total of male population aged 15 years old and older at district level, province level, and national level multiplied by 100%. The definition of employed male population from 1993 until 2015 is the male population who are employed in the last week for at least one hour continuously, or those who did not work in the last week despite already having a job or a business. Since 2016, the definition of employed male population changed to male population who are employed in the last week for at least one hour continuously, running a business, helping relatives business, or did not work the previous week despite having a job or business. These Data are collected from The National Labour Force Survey (Sakernas)1993-2020, except for 1995 where there was no survey in that particular year and 2016 where only province level is available.

Male Labor Force Participation Rate

The male labor force participation rate is the labor force of male population divided by the total of male population aged 15 years old and older at district level, province level, and national level multiplied by 100%. The definition of labor force has been unchanged since 1993 until 2020, where we define labor force as people who are either employed or unemployed. Some years may use different definitions of unemployed and employed. All definitions of employed, unemployed, and labor force are based on male gender. These distinct definitions are described below:

From 2016 until 2020, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it, or already established a new business but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or who running their business, or who helping relatives business, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 2001 until 2015, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 1996 until 2000, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged. In 1993 and 1994, the unemployed population are those who were unemployed but actively searching for work.

These data are collected from The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) module from 1993-2020, except for 1995 because there was no survey in that particular year, and 2016, because only province level is available

Male Unemployment Rate

The male unemployment rate is the number of unemployed male population divided by the number of male labor force at the district level, province level, and national level. Some years may use different definitions of unemployed and employed. All definitions of employed, unemployed, and labor force are based on male gender. These distinct definitions are described below:

From 2016 until 2020, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it, or already established a new business but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or who running their business, or who helping relatives business, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 2001 until 2015, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 1996 until 2000, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged. In 1993 and 1994, the unemployed population are those who were unemployed but actively searching for work.

The definition of Labor Force has been unchanged since 1993 until 2020, wherein we define labor force as people who are either employed or unemployed.

These data are collected from The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) module from 1993-2020, except for 1995 because there was no survey in that particular year, and 2016, because only province level is available

Manufacturing Labor Income Relative to Value Added

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Manufacturing Value Added Relative to Output

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Mining Labor Income Relative to Value Added

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Mining Value Added Relative to Output

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Not in Education, Emoloyment, or Training

Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) is the proportion of population who are not in education, employment, or training per divided by youth population within age group 15 to 24. The definition of NEET has been unchanged since 1996-2020. These data are collected from The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) module from 1996-2020, except for 1995 because there was no survey in that particular year, and 2016, because only province level is available.

Number of Banks

The tabulation reports the total number of actively operating bank offices per 10,000 population, from 1996 to 2019. We account for different varieties of banks in the tabulation, including private banks, rural banks, and government banks. The bank office data are taken from the Village Potential (Podes) data, while the population data are taken from each year's Susenas data.

Number of Cooperative Units

The tabulation reports the total number of actively operating cooperatives unit per 10000 population from 1996-2019. We account for several varieties of cooperatives unit, including Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD), Koperasi Industri Kecil dan Kerajinan Rakyat (Kopinkra), and Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (Kospin). The cooperative units are taken from the Village Potential (Podes) data, while the population data are taken from Susenas 2020.

Number of Expedition Offices

The tabulation reports the total number of actively operating expedition offices per 10000 population from 2014-2019. The expedition office data are taken from the Village Potential (Podes) data, while the population data are taken from Susenas 2020.

Number of Hospitals

The indicator reports the total number of hospitals per 10,000 population. The figure excludes health centers (Puskesmas) and sub-health centers (Puskesmas pembantu) in the area. The data are taken from Villages Potential (Podes) data, from 1996-2019. Meanwhile, the population data are taken from the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) data for each respective year.

Number of Restaurants/Food Shop Units

The tabulation reports the total number of actively operating restaurants/food shops and FnB stalls per 10,000 population, from 1996-2019. The business units data are taken from Villages Potential (Podes) data, while the population data are taken from each year's Susenas data. In 1996, Podes only records the number of restaurants/food shops. Data is not available on Podes 1999, as the survey instrument only includes information on whether a business establishment is present, but no information on the number of the business establishments.

Number of Schools

The indicator reports the total number of preschools, primary and secondary schools, colleges per 1000 youth population from 1996-2019. The number of schools data are taken from the Villages Potential (Podes) data. We account for both public and private schools or colleges in our calculation. Youth population is defined as population aged 24 and below, and youth population data is taken from the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) data..

Percentage of Adult Population with No Health Insurance

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide, and nation-wide percentage of adult population that had neither subscribed to National Health Program (BPJS) nor other private insurance institutions. The data are taken from the National Socionomic Survey (Susenas) data.

Percentage of Children under 5 Year Old with Full Immunization

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide, and national-wide percentage of children under 5 y.o (Balita) that had gotten their full immunization portion. The types of immunization are as follows, BCG, Polio, Hepatitis B, Campak, and MMR. The data are taken form the National Socionomic Survey (Susenas) data.

Poverty Rate

The poverty rate measures percentage of population living below poverty line. Poverty headcount obtained from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) yearly publication, as well as the number of population. The figure in data is already in percentage.

Professional Worker

Proportion of professional worker is based on Indonesia's classification of occupation (KBJI). Professional workers include those who work as an expert, consultant, researcher, doctor, or academia. The data are taken from labour force survey (Sakernas) from year 2007 to 2020 and are expressed in percentage form. For 2007 to 2012 series, the classification is based on classification of occupation (KJI) 2000, meanwhile for 2013 to 2020 series the classification is based on classification of occupation (KBJI) 2002. With regard to the difference of classification base, the percentage of professional worker in 2013 and above series tend to be higher than the previous series.

Proportion of Crime Cases Reported to Police

The indicator reports the percentage of crime cases reported to police to the total number of crime incidence. The data are taken from the National Socionomic Survey (SUSENAS) data.

Proportion of Crime Cases Under Police Investigation

The indicator reports the percentage of crime cases under police investigation to the total number of crime incidence. The data are taken from the National Socionomic Survey (SUSENAS) data.

Services Labor Income Relative to Value Added

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Services Value Added Relative to Output

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Sexual Molestation Incidence

The indicator reports the frequency of sexual molestation per 10.000 population. The data are taken from the National Socionomic Survey (SUSENAS) data.

Theft Crime Incidence

The indicator reports the frequency of theft crime per 10.000 population. The data are taken from the National Socionomic Survey (SUSENAS) data.

Theft with Violence Incidence

The indicator reports the frequency of theft with violence per 10.000 population. The data are taken from the National Socionomic Survey (SUSENAS) data.

Tidal Wave Incidence

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had experienced at least one incidence of tidal waves during the past three years. However, differently than previous years, in the 2019 Podes, incidence of natural disasters were only asked for the last year. As such, incidence in 2019 might systematically differ relative to preceding years. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) natural disaster module from 1999-2019.

Trade and Hospitality Labor Income Relative to Value Added

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Trade and Hospitality Value Added Relative to Output

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Transportation and Communications Labor Income Relative to Value Added

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Transportation and Communications Value Added Relative to Output

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Tsunami Flood Incidence

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had experienced at least one incidence of tsunami floodings during the past three years. However, differently than previous years, in the 2019 Podes, incidence of natural disasters were only asked for the last year. As such, incidence in 2019 might systematically differ relative to preceding years. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) natural disaster module from 1990-2019.

Unemployment Rate

"The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed population divided by the number of labor force at the district level, province level, and national level. Some years may use different definitions of unemployed and employed. These distinct definitions are described below:

From 2016 until 2020, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it, or already established a new business but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or who running their business, or who helping relatives business, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 2001 until 2015, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged, or have been accepted for work but have not started it. The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or those who are temporarily not working.

From 1996 until 2000, the unemployed population includes those who are unemployed but actively searching for work, or unemployed and not searching for work due to being discouraged. In 1993 and 1994, the unemployed population are those who were unemployed but actively searching for work.

The definition of Labor Force has been unchanged since 1993 until 2020, wherein we define labor force as people who are either employed or unemployed.

These data are collected from The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) module from 1993-2020, except for 1995 because there was no survey in that particular year, and 2016, because only province level is available. "

Utilities Labor Income Relative to Value Added

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Utilities Value Added Relative to Output

Value added, output, and percentage of value added to output is based on Indonesia's nine economic sectors classification. The data are taken from Indonesia's Input-Output Tables, published every five years using producer prices dating back to 1995.

Villages with Accessible Roads

The indicator reports the percentage of land-based villages within a boundary area that have a road which can be accessed at any given time within a year. The data are taken from the Villages Potential (Podes) data from 1996-2019.

Villages with Ashpalt-Surface Roads

The indicator reports the percentage of land-based villages within a boundary area that have an asphalt-surfaced road. The data are taken from the Villages Potential (Podes) data from 1996-2019.

Villages with Base Transceiver Stations

The indicator reports the percentage of villages within a boundary area that have base transceiver stations (BTS) towers installed within their villages. The BTS presence data is taken from the 2011-2019 Village Potential (Podes) data.

Villages with Dominant Use of Gas/LPG

The indicator reports the percentages of villages--within a district, province or national boundary area--wherein the majority of households in that village uses gas or LPG as primary fuel for cooking. The data are taken from Village Potentials (Podes) data from 1996-2019.

Villages with Early Childhood Education Centers

The indicator reports the percentages of villages within a boundary area that have early childhood education centers (PAUD). The data are taken from Villages Potential (Podes) data, from 2008-2019.

Villages with Post Office Units

The indicator reports the percentages of villages within a boundary area that have at least one post offices that have been actively operating in the last year. The data are taken from the Villages Potential (Podes) data, from 1996-2019.

Villages with Road Lights

The indicator reports the percentages of villages within a boundary area that have lights installed in the village's main roads. The data are taken from the Villages Potential (Podes) data, from 1996-2019.

Villages with Strong Phone Signals

The indicator reports the percentages of villages within a boundary area that have strong phone signals. The data are taken from Villages Potential (Podes) data, from 2006-2019.

Volcanic Eruption Incidence

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had experienced at least one incidence of volcanic eruptions during the past three years. However, differently than previous years, in the 2019 Podes, incidence of natural disasters were only asked for the last year. As such, incidence reported in 2019 might systematically differ relative to preceding years. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) natural disaster module from 1990-2019.

Water Quality Index

In 2019, the Water Quality Index (IKA) composed of 7 paramaters, which are DO, Fecal Coli, COD, BOD, Total Phosphate, TSS, and Total Coliform. The calculation method was based on National Sanitaion Foundation Water Quality Index (NSF-WQI)

The data was collected from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Whirlwind Incidence

The percentages reported in the tabulation are the district-wide, province-wide and nation-wide percentage of villages that had experienced at least one incidence of whirlwinds during the past three years. However, differently than previous years, in the 2019 Podes, incidence of natural disasters were only asked for the last year. As such, incidence reported in 2019 might systematically differ relative to preceding years. Data are taken from Statistics Indonesia's Villages Potential (Podes) natural disaster module from 1990-2019.

Working Student

The working student rate is the number of student who work while studying divided by youth population at the district level, province level, and national level. Some years may use different definitions of working student. These distinct definitions are described below:

In 2020, the working student population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or who running their business, or who helping relatives business, or those who are temporarily not working and those who still studying at school.

From 2016 until 2019, the working student population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or who running their business, or who helping relatives business, or those who are temporarily not working and those who have been studying in the last week.

From 1997 until 2015, The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or those who are temporarily not working and those who have been studying in the last week.

In 1993, 1994. and 1996 The employed population includes those who have been working in the last week at least one hour non-stop, or those who are temporarily not working, and those who still studying at school.

The definition of youth population has been unchanged since 1993 until 2020, we define youth population as a person aged between 15 years old and 24 years old.

These data are collected from The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) module from 1993-2020, except for 1995 because there was no survey in that particular year, and 2016, because only province level is available.