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GDP Growth
GDP Growth
GDP Growth
Provinsi | Gdp growth |
Sumber Data
Annual GDP growth data are calculated using the expenditure approach. National GDP growth data are collected from the Statistics Indonesia (BPS) website, spanning through 1979-2020. The GDP data employ 2010 fixed prices, and GDP values of older base years are rebased in reference to 2010. Province-level GDP growth are also calculated using the expenditure approach, and they also use 2010 fixed prices.
Quarterly GDP data uses the expenditure approach for national level and province level which are collected from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) website. Both of the data uses constant price and uses 2010 as the base year. Quarterly GDP growth (%YoY) are calculated by subtracting the latest year with the quarterly GDP in the previous year divided by GDP in the previous year then multiplied by 100% with the condition that the quarterly GDP in the latest year must be the same quarter as the quarterly GDP in the previous year.
GDP Growth
Satuan :
Interval : undefinedly -
GDP Growth
Satuan :
Interval : Tahunan