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Materials that employ and/or published data from third parties is subject to the original sources and/or authors license terms.

Otherwise, any data produced by Business Economic Sustainability Tracker LPEM UI carries Creative Commons BY 4.0 license

which permits open access for use, share, and adapt upon as long as authors and sources are credited properly with citations and attributions.

Materi yang menggunakan dan/atau dipublikasikan dari pihak lain memiliki kebijakan penggunaan dan lisensi berdasarkan ketentuan masing-masing sumber.

Semua hal yang diproduksi oleh Business Economic Sustainability Tracker LPEM UI memiliki lisensi Creative Commons BY 4.0

Lisensi tersebut memberi izin terbuka untuk menggunakan dan mempublikasikan materi selama sumber diberi kredit dan atribusi yang sesuai.

We have crosswalked our timeseries data. Crosswalked dataset are used to compare throughout timelines as it has been treated to take into account region border changes.

Non-crosswalked dataset are used for analysis for one point of time and is used on the geographical visualisation.

Both crosswalked and non-crosswalked data are available in zip download.

Kami memiliki data yang sudah diproses menggunakan schema crosswalk untuk memperhitungkan perubahan perbatasan provinsi dan kota/kabupaten

Berbeda dengan dataset non-crosswalk yang digunakan untuk analisis pada satu waktu dan visualisasi secara geografis, data crosswalk kami gunakan analisa antar waktu dan visualisasi time series.

Kedua dataset tersedia untuk diunduh secara zip.

Tingkatan pendapatan daerah merupakan kategori untuk tingkatan median pengeluaran rumah tangga per kapita di tahun 2019 yang lalu kita bagi empat persentil.

Data pengeluaran per kapita ditabulasikan berdasarkan data dari Susenas tahun 2019.

District income class indicates the category for the district's median household expenditure per capita in 2019. We define low income class as districts having per capita expenditure between the range of 1st percentile to 25th percentile of the per capita expenditure distribution in that year, lower-middle income class as districts with per capita expenditure levels between 25th-50th percentile, upper-middle income class as districts with per capita expenditure levels between 50th-75th percentile, and high income class as districts with per capita expenditure levels above 75th percentile. The expenditure per capita data is tabulated using weights from the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) 2019.

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